Government Allocates P1.47 Billion To Innovation & Digital Transformation

The government of Botswana has allocated a development budget of P1.47 billion for innovation and digital transformation in the 2025/26 financial year.

According to Vice President and Minister of Finance Ndaba Gaolathe, the budget will be used to fast-track the delivery of the national digital transformation strategy (SmartBots), which the government see as a way to accelerate digital transformation across the government, the economy and the society at large.

Some of the projects to be funded by the budget include the Village Connectivity Program, which aims to connect over 1,000 public facilities with internet, connect over 500 schools to the internet; expand the connectivity of private research and education institutions through the Botswana Research and Education Network; and roll out the Digital Competency Framework aimed at building the digital literacy.

The government is also looking to bring in satellite technology to connect remote areas where traditional broadband infrastructure is not feasible. The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority has adopted a technology-neutral licensing framework that saw satellite-based service providers' licensing.

Gaolathe also announced that the government has entered a 5-year partnership with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to "drive the development of innovation-driven enterprises (IDEs)". 

MIT will work with the Botswana University of Science and Technology (BIUST), the Botswana Digital & Innovation Hub (BDIH), and other entities to create programs that will strategically transform Botswana's entrepreneurial ecosystem. The program was launched in November 2024, and by its conclusion, deliverables will include a vibrant innovation ecosystem that fosters an enabling environment for both current and future generations of entrepreneurs to thrive.

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