Transforming Leaders And Teams From The Inside Out: A Journey To Sustained Success

In today’s rapidly changing world, where challenges and opportunities coexist, one thing remains constant across all sectors: leadership. Leadership is the cornerstone of any organisation’s success, and as Stanbic Bank Botswana’s Chief Executive, I am passionate about transforming leaders and teams from the inside out. This transformation is the key to unlocking true, sustainable success for individuals and organisations.

“Everything rises and falls on leadership,” as the renowned leadership expert John C. Maxwell famously said. This statement holds especially true in the corporate world, where leaders are the torchbearers of organisational culture, climate, and performance. Leaders set the tone; they bring the “weather” to the organisation. If the environment is cold and disengaged, or overly heated with tension, one need only look to the leadership to understand why. Thus, it is incumbent upon us, as leaders, to create a conducive, empowering environment where our people can thrive.

The First Step in Transformation: Self-Leadership

Before we can inspire or lead others, we must first lead ourselves. This is the foundation upon which leadership is built. True transformation starts from within. At Stanbic Bank, I actively seek feedback from my colleagues and invite them to challenge me when necessary. Ken Blanchard once said, "Feedback is the breakfast of champions." Self-awareness and the willingness to change are critical to effective leadership.

As leaders, we must be willing to reflect on our actions, continuously improve, and adapt. Leadership is not about personal ego or maintaining rigid authority; it’s about serving the people you lead. I encourage my team to push boundaries in the name of our clients, with one golden rule: we must leave each other’s dignity intact. Business may be competitive, but respect is non-negotiable.

Culture as a Competitive Advantage

At Stanbic Bank, culture is at the heart of everything we do. Our purpose, strategy, and values are interwoven with our culture, which is our true competitive advantage. This is why we refer to our human resources function as the People and Culture team. It’s a recognition that a thriving culture drives a flourishing business.

However, changing or shaping a culture requires intentional effort. Culture is not created overnight; it is built through small, consistent actions. While we may have the best strategy in the world, it will be meaningless if it conflicts with our culture. As the saying goes, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

Leadership Development: A Non-Negotiable

One of the key focus areas at Stanbic Bank is leadership development. We believe that leadership is not an aspirational target; it is a minimum standard. Leadership effectiveness is critical to the bank’s success, and we have invested significantly in developing our leaders. Over the past few years, we have allocated over 10 million Pula to training programmes in partnership with world-class institutions like Harvard Business School and Henley Business School.

Our Leadership Effectiveness Index has improved from 69% in 2020 to 80% in 2023, reflecting the positive impact of our efforts. Flagship programs such as “Meaningful Conversations” and “Leading Performance” are designed to empower our leaders to engage more effectively with their teams. The investment we make in leadership development pays dividends in the form of higher performance, stronger teams, and a more resilient organisation.

Diversity and Inclusion: A Business Imperative

Diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords at Stanbic Bank; they are business imperatives. We believe that diverse teams are stronger teams. Diversity encompasses many aspects—skills, experience, background, ethnicity, personality, and gender. Our focus on gender diversity, in particular, has yielded impressive results. Women now make up 53% of our executive team, a significant increase from 31% four years ago.

This progress did not happen by chance. It was the result of deliberate actions, including targeted women’s development programs and addressing the gender pay gap. We did not pursue diversity for the sake of optics; we did it because it strengthened our organisation. Men and women bring different, complementary qualities to the table, and this balance is crucial in today’s dynamic business environment.

Continuous Learning: The Key to Innovation

In a world that is constantly evolving, learning cannot be static. We believe in lifelong learning at Stanbic Bank, and we have cultivated a culture of continuous development. Every Wednesday, we pause to focus on learning—what we call “Step Back Wednesdays.” This initiative underscores our commitment to equipping our employees with the knowledge and skills they need to stay ahead in a fast-changing world.

The rise of technology has transformed client expectations, and we must stay ahead of these shifts. Our training programs, including partnerships with global leaders like Salesforce, ensure that our people are prepared to deliver world-class client experiences. We are not just building a great organisation; we are building great people who will, in turn, build a great organisation.

Talent Mobility: Expanding Horizons

Our commitment to talent mobility has also been a key driver of our success. Over the past three years, we have facilitated the movement of 24 Batswana to international assignments in markets such as London, New York, and South Africa. This cross-border exchange enriches our teams with diverse perspectives and prepares our employees for leadership roles within the broader Standard Bank Group.

We have also created numerous opportunities for young professionals in Botswana through our Graduate Development Programme, helping to future-proof their skills and combat youth unemployment.

Leading with Legacy

Transforming leaders and teams begins from the inside out. Our role as leaders is to serve our people, not the other way around. True leadership creates a lasting ripple effect that inspires others, even in our absence. Culture is not built through one grand gesture but through countless small actions, and when culture and strategy align, the potential for success is boundless. This is how we shape industries, transform the market, and drive Botswana’s growth for decade upon decade to come until we realise a truly knowledge-based and progressive industry. 

By Chose Modise, Chief Executive Officer, Stanbic Bank Botswana
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