FNBB Sponsors Botswana Football League By Over P40 Million

First National Bank of Botswana (FNB Botswana) is sponsoring the Botswana Football League (BFL) for P40.9 million over three years. 

The sponsorship will go towards prize money of the league, awards ceremonies, grants, administration fees and maximising the benefits for the Botswana Football Association (BFA) to elevate football in Botswana, as well as enhancing the experience for football supporters.

“We recognise football's unique ability to unify our nation, promote healthy lifestyles, and stimulate economic growth. Our partnership with the Botswana Football Association and Botswana Football League is founded on the principles of integrity, excellence, and community engagement, all of which are central to the Bank’s ethos," said FNB Botswana CEO Steven Bogatsu. 

The competition will be known as the FNB Premiership for the duration of the sponsorship.

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