Tachibona Primary School Water Reticulation Project To Be Completed By Mid-July

The Tachibona Primary School Water Reticulation project, funded by Botash Mine to the tune of P230,000, is slated to be completed in mid-July. The project commenced in early June at the school located in Dukwi village.

The project's goal was to replace the plumbing system of the school's three new toilets which became faulty a month after a government contractor supposedly completed the job. According to school head Kediemetse Busani, the school currently houses 705 students and 26 staff members.

"The plumbing not working meant that students had to relieve themselves in the old pit latrine toilets and staff members had to go home to do so which of course was not good for the school's productivity," said Busani.

Students had to relieve themselves in old pit latrine toilets, some of which had no doors. (Image source: BW TechZone)

For Botash Mine, sales and marketing manager Moitshepi Sefako added that they sponsored the project as they saw the need to support the school in this regard. "Access to sanitation is a basic need so when the school approached us with the support request, we were keen to support them as best as we could."

The old vs new toilets (Image source: BW TechZone)

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